B5.8 Dark ‘n’ stormy in Jamaica

B5.8 Dark ‘n’ stormy in Jamaica

$189.00 inc. GST

8 in stock


Last time we had a B5 in an Australian Outturn, it was Cask B5.3 and it vanished off Outturn in minutes. It was incredible. We’re inclined to think that this B5.8 is no different. Don’t let the name fool you into thinking this is a rum, or has a rum cask involved, it’s a flavour that evokes the spice, food, and culture of Jamaica. But this whisk(e)y is definitely from Tennessee, and while there are 26-ish distilleries in Tennessee making whiskey these days, there are two that are best-known for it, and this is the other one. Incredible sipper & mixer.

We imagined walking among grapes which were being sun-dried on straw mats, a process known as “soleo” in Spain. On the palate, it was initially dry and spicy with sweetness in the background, like a fiery Jamaican dark ‘n’ stormy cocktail using navy-strength rum and strong ginger beer – invigorating! Following reduction we lit a bonfire on the beach, watching flying sparks and hearing the pop and crackle of the burning wood. To taste, salted caramel, stewed raisins, cherry pie and vanilla custard with a long finish of PX sherry over luxury spiced Belgian chocolate ice cream – simply divine.

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