A New Year is upon us so it’s out with the old and in with the new! Some new and specially selected single cask malts will be on taste at our February whisky tasting. Some of these have never been released before in Australia, and will include a couple of absolute gems from February Outturn.
We shall be hosting this tasting in the amenable Malt Traders independent bottle store from the Malt Dining family. This is located next door to Malt Dining on Market Street, and will provide us with an intimate space for single cask enjoyment! So gather your people and come along for a night of whisky fun and tasting pleasure.
**6.00pm welcome dram for a 6.30pm start.** Delicious light supper included. All welcome.
Limited seating – first in best dressed!
Scott Mansfield, QLD Manager
mansfield@smws.com.au | 0423 270597