Festive STEPS is back for 2019 for a end of year whisky party like no other in Sydney!
Join us in celebrating the year that was 2019 with one last blast of the year in Sydney with a whisky party like no other. The Festive STEPS is back: a full whisky token system where you enjoy whisky from around the room and indeed around the world from the whisky club with it all, the Scotch Malt Whisky Society. Included in each ticket:
- 7 x drams to enjoy at your own pace from the SMWS
- Light supper provided
- Live music and our own private space at the Royal Automobile Club
- A whisky party to remember!
All members, guests, friends, family, and non-members welcome at one great price.
Friday 6th December, 6:30pm arrival for 7pm start, Royal Automobile Club Macquarie Room, 89 Macquarie St, Sydney.