Throughout the history of the world’s most unique whisky club, the Scotch Malt Whisky Society, we’ve been pushing the boundary of innovation, of surprises, of panel-approved casks of whisky.
In the last 4 years we’ve had a welcome flurry of ‘dot one’ casks representing the first ever release from that distillery for the Society, and in many cases the first time that distillery has ever released an independent bottling. This is where the SMWS excels: pushing the envelope, challenging the norm, and creating incredible first moments in history.
Thankfully, we’ve been tucking away a few rarities from the recent history of first releases, and we’re opening them all on one night only with your national ambassador Matt Bailey.
Single cask, cask strength, panel-approved whiskies from Scotland, Japan, India, America, Taiwan & Sweden. Maximum 33 x guests, the ISC room at the RAC awaits us on Friday 6 November, 6:30pm for a 7pm start sharp. Tickets will be made available to members & guests/partners of members of the SMWS first and foremost, then non-member tickets after one week.
Tickets for members go on sale this Friday 16 October along with our mid-month offer.